Issue Position: Drug Crisis

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2018
Issues: Drugs

Today's opioid crisis is hiding among our friends and families, leaving many parents, children, siblings and friends to feel helpless. Ohioans cannot find happiness and success if drugs are running their lives, and Andrew Brenner believes everyone deserves an opportunity live out his/her God-given potential.

Here are just two of the highlights of what he has done in the Ohio House to fight this crisis:

Supported additional money in the state budget for opiate addiction (HB 49)
Introduced legislation in this General Assembly (HB 117) and in the 131st GA (HB 497) to voluntarily allow addicted people who are about to be released from jail or prison to go into a treatment and counseling program -- stopping the revolving door is vital to helping people addicted to drugs
Treating Drug Addicts

Brenner understands that people use drugs usually as a "treatment" for something else going on in their lives -- depression, anxiety or something else. Therefore, Brenner believes that drug addicts should be treated, not just put in jail. The criminals who are dealing drugs, on the other hand, should receive strict punishments. Other candidates may have similar beliefs, but Brenner is the only Republican candidate in this race with an actual record of voting for legislation that makes a difference in the lives of the drug addicted.
